Linitis plastica様の形態を示した乳癌の胃転移の1例
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A patient is 59 years old woman who complained of right lower eyelid swelling, and admitted to our hospital. The tumor is circular small atypical cell in histological findings, and we suspected a metastasis from lobular carcinoma because of ER (+), E cadherin (-), HER2 (1+) by immunohistochemical stains. Upper GI endoscopy was performed and it found the hypertrophy of fold like gastric cancer of type 4. We performed biopsy from the stomach and a mammary grand. Histological findings showed the tumor cell was stained of ER (+), E cadherin (-) and HER2 (1+). We diagnosed that the breast cancer was primary and it metastasized to stomach and orbit. It is very important to perform upper GI endoscopy in case of the breast cancer.
- Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kanto Chapterの論文
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kanto Chapter | 論文
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