CdS沈澱の光電導性の研究:Ⅰ 粒状性と再結合係数の関係
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The cadmium sulfide powders were prepared from aqueous solutions of cadmium sulphate with sulphate acidity of 0N to 8N. Their mean particle sizes are about 0.1 to 4. 3 microns. According to X-ray diffraction patterns, all CdS powders were found to have hexagonal structure. The specimen with the smallest mean particle size has a light-yellow-collored appearance and one with the largest size, an orange-red-collored appearance. Their reflection spectra have been measured.Using an interdigital electrode, the photoconductivity of packed powders was measured under various conditions. The current-voltage curves show that: 1) the current varies linearly with the applied voltage in an ohmic relationship at low voltages, below about 10 V (100 V/cm across the electrode gap), and 2) the current varies as a higher power of the voltage than unity at higher voltage than 10 V. The photocurrent varies as a power of about 0.6 with exciting light intensity. The spectral response curve extends from 400 mμ to 700 mμ, and has a peak at about 550 mμ for all the specimens. The sensitivity, however, depends considerably on the particle size. The powder of large particles has the higher sensitivity.It is proposed on the basis of the data that the particle size-dependence of sensitivity is caused by the difference of electron-hole recombination coefficient. The powders of larger particles (which have small specific surface areas) have small recombination coefficients, and so they show high sensitivity. While, ones of smaller particles (which have large surface areas) have large recombination coefficients, and so they show low sensitivities. It is concluded consistently that the most part of recombination centers is distributed at the surface of particles.
- The Imaging Society of Japanの論文
The Imaging Society of Japan | 論文
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