116. Discovery of <I>Circoporella semiclathrata</I> HAYASAKA from Hokkaidô
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The Hydrozoan coral, <I>Circoporella semiclathrata</I> HAYASAKA is a rather rare, yet very characteristic fossil in the Torinosu limestone developed in the Outer zone of South-West Japan, and in the Kwanto and Abukuma Mountainlands of North-East Japan. Very recency it was unexpectedly discovered in a dark gray limestone intercalated in a complex chiefly of schistose schalstein exposed at the east bank of the Saru-gawa, about 1.7km east of Sinnitô Mine in Horosari-mura, Saru-gun, Hokkaidô. Although only a fragmental one, the present material exhibits features characteristic of the coenosteum of <I>Circoporella semiclathrata</I> as described by FIAYASAKA; it occurred at the locality cited in association with such fossils as <I>Nerinea</I> (s. s.), <I>Thanmastrea</I> and other hexacorals. As fully stated in the Japanese text, this species is an important key-fossil of the Upper Jurassic not only in Japan, but also in abroad.<BR><I>Circoporella</I> is very similar to Sphaeractinia in having the coenosteuin composed of concentric laniellae and vertical elements, the concentric lamellae being apparently two layered under high magnification, a thin film-like layer limiting the upper surface of a thick inner lying homogeneous substance, and having astorhizae though rarely. This genus was sometimes confounded with <I>Burgundia</I> MUNIER-CHALMAS, a stromatoporoid closely allied to Clathrodictyon and which possess coenosteum composed of trabeculae in vertical and horizontal sets, which are homogeneous in microstructure under high magnification; further astorhizae are lacking to it and zooidal tubes are present. In the renewed examination, the writers are now confident in regarding <I>Burgundia</I> and <I>Circoporella </I>to be generically independent on account of the differences mentioned above, and the species of <I>Burgundia</I> of European writer (<I>Burgundia</I> of. <I>semiclathrata</I> HAYASAKA from the Astartian of Villereversure, Ain, France) to be true <I>Circoporella</I> and not <I>Burgundia</I>.<BR>By way it may be pointed out that the Upper Jurassic marine deposits are divisible into three different types according to lithological and fossil contents., namely: 1) Torinosu type composed of shale and sandstone in alternation wi h lenses of limestone known under the name Torinosu limestone and often richly coralline, 2) Kitakami type of shale and sandstone and lacking limestone, and 3) Hokkaidô type having considerable amount of schalstein with limestone lenses which contains at least <I>Circoporella</I> found in the Torinosu type.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
日本古生物学会 | 論文
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