Rectal Ulcer caused by Irradiation for Carcinoma of Uterus
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The authors reported seven cases of the rectal ulcer caused by the radiation for the treatment of the carcinoma of uterus. Their chief complaints were bleeding from the anus and various signs of anemia. Two cases have received the radiation of Radium and Co-isotope, and other five cases X ray and Radium combined. The minimal dosis of Radium was 2, 520 mgrH and maximal 7, 800 mgrH. The range of X ray dosis was from 7, 200 r to 28, 800 r.<BR>The anal bleeding occurred in 1-33 monthes after the last radiation. All of the ulcer were found on the :anterior wall of the rectum, 5 cm oral to the anal ring in five cases, 3 cm and 8 cm in other two cases.<BR>The differential diagnosis between the recurred infiltrated carcinoma and the delayed ulceration after .radiation is often very difficult, then biopsy should be performed.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
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