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An ovarian carcinoid tumor is extremely rare and is classified as a borderline malignant tumor. We report a case of strumal carcinoid tumor arising in a mature cystic teratoma (MCT) of the ovary treated with fertility-preserving laparoscopic surgery. A 21-year-old woman presented with a pelvic mass accompanied by lower abdominal pain. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed tumors in both the right and left ovaries with multi-cystic parts, which were 10 cm and 9 cm in diameter, respectively. Examination of the resected specimens revealed that each cyst cavity was filled with hair, sebaceous material, and cartilage. Histological analysis showed that the left ovarian tumor contained a small focal lesion of strumal carcinoid tumor in a MCT. In conclusion, although an ovarian tumor demonstrates characteristics typical of MCT, it may include small borderline malignant lesions.
- 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会の論文
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会 | 論文
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