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An interstitial pregnancy is a relatively rare type of ectopic pregnancy. However, the incidence is increasing because of the increase in sexually transmitted diseases and assisted reproduction technology. Treatment primarily consists of methotrexate drug therapy and surgery. In particular, laparoscopic surgery is increasing as a result of improvements in technology and surgical technique. However, laparoscopy is contraindicated for use in an interstitial pregnancy because of the risk of massive hemorrhage. From March 2009 through November 2012, we experienced four cases of laparoscopic surgery for interstitial pregnancy at our hospital. Despite the risk of massive hemorrhage, two were treated by a laparoscopic cornual wedge resection. In addition, the remaining fallopian tube after salpingectomy is a risk factor for interstitial pregnancy. We report four cases and a review of pertinent literature.
- 日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会の論文
日本産科婦人科内視鏡学会 | 論文
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