- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of this study is to investigate the unsteady aerodynamic response of road vehicles subjected to gusty crosswind, with the special focus on its shape dependence. Large-eddy simulation was used to predict the transient aerodynamic forces and surface pressure distributions acting on the vehicles and transient and three dimensional flow structures were extracted to explain the mechanisms of unsteady aerodynamics. The numerical method adopted was first validated in the stationary case by comparing its results with the wind tunnel data. Then it was applied to the gusty crosswind cases to investigate the dependence of upper and under body geometry separately. For the upper body dependence, sedan type and hatchback type vehicles were compared. On the other hand, for the under body dependence, the sedan type vehicles with flat or complicated under body geometry were confronted. In both cases, overshooting of yawing moment after the vehicle rushing into crosswind region was used to evaluate the crosswind stability. The results of the upper body dependence indicated that the hatchback type vehicle has better crosswind stability than the sedan type vehicle. It was confirmed that the rear pillar vortex at the windward with respect to the crosswind contributed to the difference of stability. Concerning the dependence of under body geometry, the complicated underbody showed better crosswind stability than the flat underbody. Its stability mechanism of the complicated underbody was explained by the difference of the side flow originated from the rear tire house.
- 一般社団法人 日本機械学会の論文
長谷川 巧
小森谷 徹
中島 卓司
広島大学 工学研究科
坪倉 誠
北海道大学大学院 工学研究院
池田 隼
小森谷 徹
中島 卓司
広島大学 大学院工学研究科
長谷川 巧
池田 隼
北海道大学大学院 工学院
坪倉 誠
坪倉 誠
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