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Dysprosium, one of the various rare earth elements, is mainly used in permanent magnets to increase the strength of magnet at high temperatures. Therefore, the use of dysprosium-doped permanent magnets is preferred in hybrid and electric vehicles and direct-drive wind turbines. Instabilities in supply and demand of dysprosium by Chinese resource policy sometimes induce social crises, because the reserves and production of dysprosium is extremely uneven distributed in China. However, as a result of recent exploration efforts, some dysprosium ore deposits in alkaline igneous rocks have been discovered outside China. The total quantity of the deposits is adequate to fulfill the dysprosium demand in the future. But, unfortunately these deposits contain a small amount of radioactive element thorium, that is hampering the development of the deposits.<BR>A new idea to develop the dysprosium ore bodies using paste backfill mining is discussed. Outline of this mining project is shown. Rare earth elements including dysprosium are recovered by conventional methods first. Thorium-rich precipitate produced in the process of smelting is then mixed with the waste coming out mining and mineral processing and a small amount of cement. The mixtures are backfilled to the original mine site. It is deduced that the solidified mixtures containing lower thorium than the ore provide a stable reducing environment of thorium and have a sufficient strength.
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