A Case of a Nasopalatine Duct Cyst Surgically Opened to the Bilateral Nasal Cavity
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The nasopalatine duct cyst is one of the nonodontogenic epithelial cysts and it arises from the epithelial remnants of the nasopalatine duct of the fetus. It occurs in approximately 2% of all maxillary cysts. A 44-year-old man presented with asymptomatic swelling of the hard palate. Nasal endoscopy showed the elevation of the floor of the nasal cavities. CT and MRI images confirmed these findings, revealing a midline cystic mass of the maxilla, extending superiorly along the nasal septum and the floor of the nasal cavity, with a maximum diameter of 2.8 cm. The cyst was endoscopically opened to the bilateral nasal cavity under general anesthesia. The patient had no postoperative complications and showed no evidence of either stenosis of the opening or infection in the cavity at 6 months after surgery. Few cases of the dilation of the cyst to the nasal cavity have been reported, but this technique is familiar to otolaryngologists and considered as an effective treatment.
土師 知行
佐藤 進一
市丸 和之
南 和彦
坂本 進
西村 一成
佐藤 進一
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