Carotid Body Tumor. A Case Report and Cytogenetic Study.:-A Case Report and Cytogenetic Study-
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A Case of carotid body tumor in the left submandibular region of a 54-year-old woman is reported. Because a hot area was recognized on CT scan between the internal and the external carotid artery, carotid angiography was performed, which showed the existence of a hypervascular tumor.Based on a diagnosis of carotid body tumor, surgery was performed under hypotensive general anesthesia. The tumor (3 cm × 3 cm) was resected without injuring any of the main vessels or cranial nerves except the external carotid artery.The specimen was examined histologically and the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed. However, chromosomal disorder (anti-oncogene) as suggested in the hereditary cases of carotid body tumor found in retinoblastoma, was not detected.Further studies are expected to clarify the cytogenetic mechanism.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
八木 伸也
佐藤 進一
小形 哲也
篠原 尚吾
中尾 初江
佐藤 進一
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