Prognostic Factors for Symptoms Following Drainage of Anorectal Abscess
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(Purpose) It has been demonstrated that anal fistulas following incision and drainage for perianal abscess may develop in some cases. On the contrary, it is assumed that in almost all cases of ischiorectal or supralevator abscess, fistulas develop following incision and drainage. However, this assumption lacks foundation.<BR>Therefore, we focused on fistula-like symptoms following the incision of ischiorectal or supralevator abscess. We examined some factors including anatomic classification that we believed might affect fistulas, by asking about clinical symptoms.<BR>(Methods) Between January 2009 and December 2011, 251 patients with anorectal abscess underwent incision and drainage at Matsuda Hospital. The records of these 251 patients were retrospectively analyzed.<BR>(Results) Of the total of 251 subjects, 123 had clinical symptoms and 128 had no symptoms. An investigation on the prognostic factors for having clinical symptoms revealed that ischiorectal or supralevator abscess was the only significant factor (<I>p</I><0.01). Sex, age, and diabetes mellitus had no significant influence on clinical symptoms.<BR>(Conclusion) The study revealed the existence of asymptomatic patients for ischiorectal or supralevator abscess.
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