- 論文の詳細を見る
This study investigated what influences assumed competence in high school students. In Study 1, the association between assumed competence and interpersonal relationships was examined. The results showed that good relationships with school teachers reduced assumed competence. In Study 2, a semi-structured interview of class teachers was conducted about their relationships with the students. The results suggested that teachers' deep understanding of each student in the class was an important factor for the decline of the students' assumed competence.
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- 拡張版反応スタイル尺度の作成
- 高校生における仮想的有能感といじめとの関連
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- PC1-51 仮想的有能感と対人関係との関係(2) : 仮想的有能感の低下と教師のかかわり方(人格)
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