- 論文の詳細を見る
Shushin Gidou (1325-1388), a Zen monk of the Rinzai sect in the Period of North and South Dynasties, was an apprentice of Soseki Musou (1275-1351).Gidou wrote "Kuuge-Nichiyou-Kufuu-Ryakushu," which is a diary recording the 63 years from 1325 to 1388. In this study, the author delved into "Kuuge-Nichiyou-Kufuu-Ryakushu," and discussed how Zen gardens were used in the late 14th century. As a result, it was found that there were three main purposes of Zen gardens. The main purposes were to provide the places for (1) zazen (sitting meditation), (2) poem writing, and (3) enjoying the landscapes of spring flowers, autumn leaves, and winter snows. Sometimes, one of these purposes was prioritized, and other times, they were used in a mixed manner. Namely, they were used in a multilayered way. It was found from this study that garden landscapes and sceneries were recognized from the viewpoints of not only Zen precept and practice but also poetic imagination. It was also found that the knowledge base for poetic imagination was influenced by not only Zen Buddhism but also Chinese literatures and philosophies.
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