- 論文の詳細を見る
The construction of biotope in the schoolyard and education program that uses biotope works actively. Therefore, accumulation of knowledge concerning the creation and the maintenance and management of biotope is a pressing need in the educational institution related to landscape gardening. The improvement of the bio-diversity in the tree ranch in university campus is tried in this research, and it reports on the case where the waterside biotope is created around the detailed construction process. Two small biotope-ponds were constructed with spreading Bentonite clay to prevent water leakage. Assuming Oryzias latipes and Rana japonica japonica were target species, water is supplied to the pond and aiming at an appropriate water temperature and the depth maintenance. It was shown that there was no problem in the growth of both species by securing depth of 50cm or more in the expert year. The circulation type waterway where the solar battery system and the adjustment pond were combined is moreover made and a natural flow is created with the change of flowing quantity at time. Total water application was estimated 33mm/day and it guarantees the target species in this study.
- 社団法人 日本造園学会の論文
竹内 真一
関西 剛康
西村 吉英
関西 剛康
竹内 真一
関西 剛康
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