Turnover Time of Groundwater Systems in the Rokko Mountains with the Aid of Environmental Tritium
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Tritium concentrations in river water and in discharged water through tunnels, horizontal and vertical boreholes have been measured in the Rokko mountains scince 1968. River water has always relatively high values of tritium concentration which have a tendency to decrease gradually from 69 TU in 1969 to 40 TU in 1974, while water discharged through tunnel or borehole from formation has various values of tritium concentration less than those in river water.<BR>A displacement flow-mixing model is considered for interpretation of these data. The model consists of two processes: the first process is a displacement flow in an aquifer with a constant thickness receiving uniform recharge; the second is a mixing process near a discharge point such as river or tunnel. Turnover time is given by the combination of these processes, and the response function of tritium concentration to an input is equivallent to mixing-cell model.<BR>Calculated variations of the tritium concentration give a well-fitting to the observed data of the river water when the turnover time is about 30 years under the condition of recharge from precipitation.<BR>On the other hand, the results calculated in the same way as river water under the assumption that water in fractured formation is replenished from shallow groundwater system are compared with the observed data of discharged waters through tunnels and boreholes. The following results on the fractured medium are obtained: (1) the turn over time is about 40 years, (2)the mean particle velocity of downward flow is about 10 to 17 m/y, (3) the porosity of the formation is about 0.01 to 0.06, and (4) the vertical extent of the flow system is about 900 m.
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