Principle and applications of mass spectrometry
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Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of powerful tools for detections and identifications of unknown molecules having their own masses and structures. Before the development of softionizations such as electro-spray (ESI) and matrixassisted laser desorption ionizations (MALDI) invented by Prof. JB. Fenn and Dr. Koichi Tanaka, respectively, the MS was a restricted instrument for the detection and identification of low molecular organic compounds by gas chromatography/MS and direct MS using electron impact ionization and chemical ionization methods. Therefore, the MS had been only an apparatus which organic and inorganic chemists used to analyze low molecules. After the developments of ESI and MALDI at 1980s, we could apply these modern MS techniques to detect and characterize unknown and interesting high molecular compounds such as protein, peptides, nucleosides and com- plex lipids in body fluids and organs. Not only researchers but also medical doctors were surprised by their big capabilities of the modern MS to detect and identify the structures of high molecules. And so we could acquire new information for the understanding of the etiology of diseases by the modern MS. In this paper, I would like to summarize the principle of MS and its ionization and explanations of special terms for understanding of MS.
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- 質量分析の前処理ツールとしての応用
- 臨床志向プロテオーム解析 : 血管新生制御因子, 癌特異自己抗体など疾患関連蛋白の同定
- プロテオミクスにおける基本的MS技術 : 試料作製および実際の質量分析法による解析
- 構造異常蛋白質のMSによる検出と疾患診断
- 変異蛋白, 翻訳後修飾蛋白のMSによる構造解析
- 質量分析法の原理と応用
- 自己抗体を標的にした癌マーカー候補の検索 (Autoantibodiomics)
- ソフトイオン化質量分析法による蛋白質構造解析と疾患診断への応用 (〔大阪医科大学〕研究機構シンポジウム講演集 2005.7.4〜2005.7.25)
- 質量分析の前処理ツールとしての応用
- 臨床志向プロテオーム解析 : 血管新生制御因子, 癌特異自己抗体など疾患関連蛋白の同定
- 社会問題-今科学は(18) : 病態プロテオーム研究への MS の応用
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- 構造異常蛋白質のMSによる検出と疾患診断
- 質量分析による構造異常蛋白質の検出・定量
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- 変異蛋白, 翻訳後修飾蛋白のMSによる構造解析
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- Principle and applications of mass spectrometry
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