A Study on the Housing Support System in Kawasaki City:A System That Allows the City to Act as Guarantor for Socially Challenged Tenants
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This study focuses on a housing system in Kawasaki City that represents a new method of role sharing between municipal and private services. The Municipal Guarantor system is intended to secure housing for the aged, handicapped, and foreigners, who tend to experience difficulties in obtaining tenancy contracts in the private rental housing market. The study first clarifies the need for such a system for the socially challenged, and then clarifies the system structure and problems in actual cases from the viewpoint of role sharing between municipal and private services. Finally, it clarifies the advanced nature of the system by examining individual cases and solutions with the city acting as a guarantor, illustrating a new municipal role that solves various problems related to the rental housing market.
- Association of Urban Housing Sciencesの論文
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