新たな住宅政策の方向性について--住宅宅地審議会答申をもとに (特集 成熟社会における住宅宅地政策の方向と課題)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Report of Central Housing and Land Council stated some new directions of Housing Policy in Japan in June 2000.<BR>The Report stated many important changes of housing policy from housing policy in growth society to housing policy in matured society.<BR>A main purpose of housing policy in growth society had given the first priority to lead households to own their own houses.<BR>But a main purpose of housing policy in matured society will change to lead households to make use of houses.<BR>To make such radical changes, the report put stress two points; we think of making use of market mechanism important and of the quality of housing stock important.
- 社団法人 日本不動産学会の論文
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