- 論文の詳細を見る
Attempts were made through classes of physical education to verify the effectiveness of our learning program of long distance running, which mainly focuses on“even pace”running, for the lower record group from the perspective of changes in their records of and attitudes toward long distance running.Our subjects were 1435 of 7th graders(boys 714, girls 721)in Tokyo.We instructed them in every Oct.―Dec. period during 1999-2005 utilizing the program(15 instructions of physical education), that we developed.Each subject records(boys 1500 m run, girls 1000 m run)was applied to 10 grades in MEXT standard scale.When the subjectʼs score was grades 1-3 for boys and 1-4 for girls, it allocated to the low group.We conducted surveys on the changes of attitudes on long distance running and practice of this program through formative evaluation of instructions.We compared records and formative evaluation of instructions before and after the program.The results are as follows:Lower records group increased to 5.9% from 22.8%(boys)and to 1.5% from 9.2%(girls).83.4% of the boys and 87.1% of the girls in lower records group improved in scale.The average of 1500 m run in boys lower records group significantlly improved to 7ʼ13”from 8ʼ9”.The average of 1000 m run in girls lower records group significantlly improved to 4ʼ57”from 5ʼ38”.Attitudes of the subjects became significantlly favorable in 27 out of 29 question items.Improvement of abhorring feeling, decrease of pain, increase of satisfaction appeared remarkably.All of 4 factors of enjoy, activity results, social behavior, friendship were improved significantly.A program in physical education“learning of even pace on long distance running”utilized in this research was verified effective for lower records group.
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