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Proprioception was studied in rotator cuff tear and normal shoulder using active angle reproduction test. Subjects and methods: In cuff tear group(RCT), 33 cases (33 shoulders) were studied. They were 19 males and 14 females, their average age was 66.4 years.The average active elevation angle was 112.4° and the average external rotation angle was 51.4°. As a control group (C), 20 cases (20 shoulders) who had not had previous injury or disease in their shoulder were studied. Average elevation angle was 160.3° and average external rotation angle was 61.9°. The subjects were studied sitting on a chair and had a bandage put over their eyes. They rotate or elevate their shoulder to any angle. The difference absolute values between average of 3 times of reproduction of the angle and the target angle were studied. The target angles were 30° of internal rotation, 30° and 45° external rotation, 30°, 45° and 60° of elevation. In 30° of IR, error angle revealed 7.0° in RCT and 2.6° in C group (P<0.01). These were 4.6° and 2.5°(P<0.01) in 30° of ER, 3.6° and 2.5°(P=0.15) in 45° of ER. These were 4.0° and 2.1° in 30° of elevation (P<0.05), 4.1° and 1.9° in 45° of elevation (P<0.01), 4.8° and 2.4° in 60° of elevation(P<0.01). Proprioception of rotator cuff tear was lower than that of normal shoulder.
柴田 陽三
篠田 毅
萩尾 友宣
飯塚市立病院 整形外科
伊崎 輝晶
福岡大学 医学部 整形外科
柴田 陽三
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
篠田 毅
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
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