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<B>Hypothesis:</B> Our hypothesis was that the clinical results of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) for patients with massive rotator cuff tears (MRCT) would improve postoperatively.<BR><B>Methods:</B> ARCR for patients with MRCT was performed on 13 patients (13 shoulders) from October 2009 to April 2011. There were 12 males and 1 female with a mean age of 66.3 years old. The mean follow-up period was 13.4 months. The repaired method was evaluated. The pre and post-operative range of motion, and Japanese Orthopaedic Association score (JOA score) were studied. Cuff integrity was also evaluated by postoperative MRI.<BR><B>Results:</B> Complete repair was performed on 4 shoulders and partial repair was performed on 9 shoulders. The mean elevation, the external rotation, and the total JOA score were 98.9°, 46.9°, and 60.5 points preoperatively and 134.2°, 55.8°, and 90.9 points postoperatively, respectively. Significant differences were founded in the elevation and total JOA score, although no significant difference was founded in the external rotation. In the complete repair group, the re-tear rate was 25 %. In the partial repair group, reduction of the tear size was recognized in 83 %.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> The clinical results of ARCR for patients with MRCT were generally good.
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