- 論文の詳細を見る
All tests were performed for high-strength aluminum alloy plate with a notch on both sides. Firstly, the proposed simplified method for estimating the stress and strain at the notch root was investigated. The strain at the notch root was measured by a strain gage. The estimated strains and strain ranges were in good agreement with the experimental results. Next, fatigue tests were carried out under constant amplitude loading and two-step loading. In two-step loading, two stress levels were used as the primary stress amplitude and three cycle ratios were combined. The cycle ratio was defined as the ratio of cycles at the primary stress amplitude to the corresponding fatigue life. Fatigue test results were discussed using the equivalent stress amplitude, which was estimated by the stress amplitude and the mean stress at the notch root. Both the fatigue life and the fatigue limit under the secondary stress amplitude tended to lower, as the cycle ratio under the primary stress amplitude increased. However, the fatigue life under the secondary stress amplitude did not depend upon the magnitude of the primary stress amplitude, if the cycle ratio was same. Hence, the fatigue life under the secondary stress amplitude can be estimated by the equivalent stress amplitude without the effect of the primary stress amplitude.
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- 104 高力 Al 合金の二段二重疲労寿命
- S 20 焼なまし材および予ひずみ材のねじり疲労 : 一定応力下および二段二重重複応力下の疲労き裂の挙動
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- 111 S45C調質材の二段多重疲労寿命消費率に及ぼす低応力振幅と応力切替え頻度の影響(材料力学III)
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- 106 S45C調質材の疲労強度に及ぼす表面粗さの影響(O.S.1-2 疲労強度)(O.S.1 疲労破壊事故の防止 : 被害の評価と実際問題への応用)
- 619 転造ねじ継手の二段多重疲労損傷に及ぼす応力切替え頻度の影響(材料力学III)
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- 202 各種締結ボルトの疲労特性解明に関する研究(OS2-1締結・接合部の力学と信頼性評価1(ねじ締結体の力学と信頼性))
- 216 各種締結ボルトの疲労特性解明に関する研究(機器・要素の信頼性とヒューマンファクタ,材料・機械・構造物の安全性と信頼性,オーガナイスドセッション6)
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- 115 高力Al合金の二段二重疲労に及ぼす一次応力の影響(G.S.疲労2,九州支部 第58期総会・講演会)
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