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The yield strength and electrical conductivity of precipitation-hardenable Cu-2.05mass%Ni-0.35mass%Be and Cu-1.27mass%Ni-0.22mass%Be alloys aged at 360 to 560°C after cold rolling have been investigated. The former alloy exhibits a higher strength and a lower electrical conductivity in the under-aging and peak-aging stages, but a lower strength and a higher electrical conductivity in the over-aging stage than the latter alloy. Both alloys are hardened by plate-shaped coherent precipitates of <I>γ</I>" phase, which is body-centered tetragonal with <I>a</I> = <I>b</I> = 0.24nm and <I>c</I> = 0.28nm. In the peak-aging stage, the yield strength of both alloys is controlled by the precipitate shearing mechanism. Both alloys recrystallize in the over-aging stage at the coarse <I>γ</I> precipitates which are residual even after solutionizing. A higher number density of the coarse <I>γ</I> precipitates in the Cu-2.05%Ni-0.35%Be alloy gives rise to a larger volume fraction of recrystallization, resulting in a greater decrease in strength. The growth of incoherent precipitates in recrystallized grains is faster than that of coherent <I>γ</I>" precipitates in unrecrystallized grains. This causes a higher electrical conductivity of the Cu-2.05%Ni-0.35%Be alloy in the over-aging stage.
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- Al-Mg-Sc合金の高温における疲労挙動
- (252)創成型科目における達成度評価の導入(セッション73 教育評価・自己点検・評価システムVIII・生涯学習支援・地域貢献・地場産業との連携I)
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- 522 Al-Mg-Sc合金の微視組織と高温疲労挙動(非鉄金属の疲労強度,一般セッション)
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- ECAP加工を施したAl-Mg-Sc合金の焼鈍による高サイクル疲労挙動の変化
- Cu-Ni-Si合金の組織と機械的特性
- Al-Mg-Sc合金におけるAl_3Sc粒子のオストワルド成長
- 3007 金沢大学工学部機能機械工学科における創成科目の導入とその教育的効果
- 227 Cu-Fe 系合金の分散粒子と軟化特性
- 124 二つの平行な粒界を有する銅三重結晶の繰返し硬化特性
- Al-Mg-Sc合金におけるAl_3Sc析出粒子のオストワルド成長
- Cu-Ni-P系合金の析出強化特性に及ばすARB法および冷間圧延法の影響
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