Cu-21 mass%Ni-5.5 mass%Sn合金の強度への加工熱処理の影響
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The effect of thermomechanical treatment on the strength of a Cu-21 mass%Ni-5.5 mass%Sn alloy was investigated. The alloy was cold-rolled to a 50% or an 80% reduction and then peak-aged at 400℃ (50R-A or 80R-A), or first peak-aged at 400℃ and then rolled to a 50% or an 80% reduction (A-50R or A-80R). The A-50R alloy exhibited a higher 0.2% proof stress σ0.2 of 1120 MPa and a higher tensile strength σu of 1200 MPa than the 50R-A alloy, and the A-80R alloy exhibited larger values of σ0.2=1200 MPa and σu=1310 MPa than the 80R-A alloy. The higher proof stress of the A-50R or A-80R alloy than the 50R-A or 80R-A alloy was ascribed to the higher dislocation density and the smaller deformation twin boundary spacing. The value of σu=1310 MPa for the A-80R alloy is considerably larger than those of commercial Cu-(20~22) mass%Ni-(4.5~5.7) mass%Sn alloys produced by cold rolling and subsequent aging.
- The Japan Institute of Metals and Materialsの論文
渡邊 千尋
門前 亮一
村松 尚国
渡邊 千尋
小澤 敦
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