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Our hospital is located in the prefectural capitol of Fukushima, where tremors just below magnitude six were recorded during the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. The building was spared major damage, but for safety, patients hospitalized at the Kaifukuki rehabilitation ward were evacuated within the hospital to rehabilitation rooms in the new annex, where they spent two nights. The day after the earthquake, a group rehabilitation session was conducted, but because patients showed signs of exhaustion from lack of sleep and anxiety, it was switched to individual rehabilitation. On a questionnaire, many patients noted that conversations with the staff helped ease their anxiety. This suggests that, although group rehabilitation can be efficient and effective in providing psychological support to patients, individual rehabilitation tends to be more favorable in disaster situations where patients suffer from exhaustion and psychological stress. Accordingly, disaster rehabilitation should be conducted on a patient-by-patient basis. In comparison with patients from the same time the previous year, the number of rehabilitation intervention units per day was one less, but the period of hospitalization was longer. A similar improvement in FIM was also achieved. At the time of an earthquake, although it is important for hospitals that escape structural damage to accept new patients, it is also important to continue treating the patients who were already there. Furthermore, hospitals should always have stockpiles of meals on hand and form cooperative relationships with the community to ensure that they can continue to provide service after an earthquake.
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