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This paper proposes a method of self-sensing and model-free vibration control based on DVFB (Direct Velocity Feedback). In general, model-based control theory is applied to design control system. In this case, an accurate vibration model of the system is required to achieve an adequate vibration control performance. However, making an accurate model and designing a control system increase the workload of engineers, and installing sensors to detect structural vibration obstructs a cost reduction of control system. In this study, we consider a self-sensing vibration control strategy using a single degree-of-freedom voice coil actuator without the model of target structures. First, the self-sensing is achieved by detecting the voltage and current of the voice coil and estimating the relative velocity of the actuator. Second, the state variables containing the velocity at the point on the target structure to which the actuator is connected are estimated by Kalman filter. Finally, an extended DVFB control law is applied to the actuator. In this paper, effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by simulation with the controlled systems of a two degree-of-freedom and FE (Finite Element) models.
佐藤 裕介
金堂 雅彦
梶原 逸朗
北海道大学 大学院工学研究院
佐藤 裕介
矢作 修一
北海道大学 大学院工学院
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