Gallopamil の臨床薬理学的検討-第一相単回経口投与試験-
TXA_2受容体拮抗薬(BAY u 3405)の健常人における臨床薬理学的研究
KRN568の第1相臨床試験 : 単回投与試験
臨床検査値に及ぼす生活環境因子の検討 : 日焼けの影響
臨床検査値に及ぼす生活環境因子の検討 : 太陽光曝露による生体内生理活性物質・情報伝達因子への影響
Nifedipineの薬物動態とCYP3A5遺伝子多型の関連性の検討 : 健常成人を対象として
GCP施行前および施行後の治験分類の比較 : 大阪臨床薬理研究所IRB200回の記録(1)
第1相臨床試験受託時に実施されていた薬物動態および一般薬理試験 : 大阪臨床薬理研究所IRB200回の記録(3)
臨床検査値に及ぼす生活環境因子の検討 : 日光暴露によるヒト免疫系への影響(第2報)
臨床検査値に及ぼす生活環境因子の検討 : 睡眠の影響
P-25 ラット膀胱, 尿道におけるα_1-アドレナリン刺激剤の組織内濃度と局在
心筋細胞における IL-6遺伝子の発現 : in situ hybridizationによる検討 : ポスター発表 : 第57回日本循環器学会学術集会
低酸素刺激による心筋細胞におけるIL-6の発現 : ポスター発表 : 第57回日本循環器学会学術集会
TXA_2受容体拮抗薬(BAYu 3405)の健康高齢者における臨床薬理学的研究
薬物体内動態修飾因子の検討 : 高齢被験者を対象として
肥大型心筋症(HCM)における心筋β型ミオシン重鎖(βMHC)遺伝子の解析 : 第58回日本循環器学会学術集会
家族性肥大型心筋症(HCM)の病因遺伝子の検討 : 心筋ミオシン重鎖(MHC)遺伝子を用いての解析 : 口述発表 : 第57回日本循環器学会学術集会
IL-6の心筋細胞に対する作用とその細胞内情報伝達機構の検討 : ポスター発表 : 第57回日本循環器学会学術集会
Clinical-pharmacological research on TXA2 receptor antagonist (BAYu3405) for healthy old people.
Clinicopharmacological research of FK505 in normal subjects.
Pharmacodynamics of orally administered acarbose in healthy volunteers and dose correlation of blood sugar and inhibiting actions of insulin elevation under oral disaccharide load.
Pharmacodynamics of calcium antagonists D600 in the elderlies and in the young, and its effect on ECG.
Phase 1 study of Recombinant human erythropoietin.Intravenous and repetitive subcutaneous admimistration test.
Clinicopharmacological research of FK453 in normal subjects.
Gallopamil の臨床薬理学的検討-第一相単回経口投与試験-
Clinico-pharmacological study in normal subjects of piracetam.
Changes in the Serum Enzyme Levels and the Predicting Factors during 2 Weeks Hospitalization in Healthy Male Volunteers: A Retrospective Study. Changes in Serum Levels of GOT,GPT,.GAMMA.-GTP,LDH,ALP and LAP.:Changes in Serum Levels of GOT, GPT, γ-GTP, LDH
Pharmacodynamics in healthy adults of a new Class III antiarrhythmic agent E4031.
Seasonal variation of IgE level and eosinophil count in healthy adult male.
Study on serum GPT elevation in health adult male.GOT/GPT and relevance to body fatness.
Evaluation of a new software for the personal computer "PAG-CP" for calculation of several pharmacokinetic coefficients.
Method of calculation of left-right symmetric reliability area by conversion of logarithm, square root in biological equivalence test.
A pharmacokinetic analysis method for sustained-release preparation.
Phase I clinical studies with high dose of lisuride maleate. Incidence of appearance of subjective symptoms observed from method of administration.
Clinical-pharmacological research of dopexamine in normal subject.
Clinical-pharmacological study of bromperidol injection.
Clinical-pharmacological study using in-urine potassium excretion amount in potassium pharmaceutical (MR9H2) administration as index.
From the viewpoint of trial case doctors.
Platelet aggregation ability in clinical phase I test. Variation in aggregation ability during adminisration of .ALPHA.-indobufen tablets.
Pharmacokinetics in a healthy adult of a new Class III antiarrhythmic agent E4031.
Clinico-pharmacological research in normal subjects of a new antianxiety agent, DN-2327.
Consideration of clinical laboratory reference value setting in phase 1 clinical trial for healthy juvenile male adults.
Reliability of occult blood test of feces in clinical laboratory.Appearance frequency of positive examples.
Abnormal elevation of serum escape enzyme level by exercise load.
Pharmacological study for oral administration of aldose reductase inhibitor, tolrestat.Effect on sorbitol level in erythrocyte.
Examination of drug disposition kinetic modifying factor. Subject to old examinees.
Studies on living environment factor influenced in clinical laboratory findings.Effect of sunburn.
Comparison of blood pharmacodynamics by the aging of beagle dogs.
Effect of living environment factors on laboratory findings.Effect of solar light exposure on in vivo biologically active substances and information transfer factors.
Phase I study of HLBI prolonged action preparation. Comparative studies with rapid release preparation.
Antihypertensive and Hypouricemic Effects of Tienilic Acid in Hypertensive Patients with Hyperuricemia
Looking back on past subjects released in Japanese Soc. of Clinical Rharmacology and Therupeutics.
Phase I clinical studies on recombinant human G-CSF (KRN8601). A study on its single administration by intravenous drip infusion.
Phase I studies of a recombinant human G-CSF (KRN8601). Comparison between intravenous administration and subcutaneous administration.
Studies on effect on regression of cardiac hypertrophy by prolonged administration of metoprolol in hypertensive patients.
Circadian variation of data of laboratory tests in healthy adult men. Peripheral blood cell counts and platelet aggregation ability.
Examination of influences of factors of living environment on results of clinical tests. Influences of sunlight exposure on human immune system. Second report.
Effect of exercise test on a urinalysis.The urinalysis in producing muscular pain.
Examination of exercising influence on laboratory finding.Effect of sleep.
Reference Interval of Clinical Laboratory Data of Young Healthy Male Volunteer in the Phase I Clinical Study.
5. Examination on plasma concentration and leukotriene production by administration of lipoxygenase inhibitor (ABT-761).
Effects of single time intravenous injection of endothelin receptor antagonist TAK-044 on pharmacodynamics and endothelin concentration.
Studies on the choice of subjects in phase I clinical tests. Significance of sinus arrhythmia and sinus bradycardia.
Variations in data of liver function tests by administration of placebo (single and consecutively). GOT, GPT and .GAMMA.-GTP.