Clinical-pharmacological research of dopexamine in normal subject.
丸山 一伸
瀬戸 米蔵
寺川 雅人
望月 則子
淡田 修久
原田 尚門
東 純一
朴 勝彦
澤村 昭彦
桑原 徳康
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- 臨床薬理比較試験について
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- From the viewpoint of trial case doctors.
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- タイトル無し
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- Reference Interval of Clinical Laboratory Data of Young Healthy Male Volunteer in the Phase I Clinical Study.
- 5. Examination on plasma concentration and leukotriene production by administration of lipoxygenase inhibitor (ABT-761).
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- Studies on the choice of subjects in phase I clinical tests. Significance of sinus arrhythmia and sinus bradycardia.
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