- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of electric acupunctural stimulation though one hand against reactions in the vascular system in nasal mucosa due to changes in physical position were examined in the present study. The results are as followed;1) That the reactions in the vascular system in nasal mucosa by changes in physical position indicated a rise in the resistance in the nostril which was made the lower side and a drop in the resistance in the nostril which was made the upper side and that this finding had reproducibility.2) That no rise in the resistance in the nostril was found out even when the nostril treated in advance with adrenalinon its mucosa was made the lower side in the lateral decubitus, but that the resistance in the untreated nostril (with adrenalin) rose up when it was made the lower side.3) That the electric acupunctural stimulation through one hand caused no adverse effect upon the rise in the resistance in the nostril on the lower sidle in the lateral decubitus, thought it was the side given the stimulation.
- 一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会の論文
岡本 途也
寺崎 雅子
石崎 文雄
浅賀 英世
久住 武
久住 眞理
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