Anemia in Pregnancy and Iron Preparations (1):Behavior of Anemia in Pregnancy
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A survey of alterations in red blood cell count and hemoglobin level of pregnant women between 4 and 10 months of gestation (hereinafter, Month) was made 162times. They were not under medication with anemia therapeutic preparations.<BR>When the alterations of the above two parameters were examined by the Month, the red blood cell count began to gradually decrease at 4th Month and reached a minimum at 8th Month. It showed signs of slight recovery at 10th Month. The hemoglobin level also began to gradually drop at 4th Month, and remained low at and after 7th Month.<BR>The red blood cell count decreased with a significant difference in some Months. There was no Month in which the hemoglobin level altered significantly when it was compared with that of the following month, while there were some Months in which the levels altered significantly when they were compared with those of the levels more than two months later. We considered that they would be accounted for with a quadratic equation, which, if the Month was given as x, would be expressed as follows.<BR>Hemoglobin level=16.0775-0.8651x+0.0449x<SUP>2</SUP><BR>Red blood cell count=519.3663-35.2863x+2.3144x<SUP>2</SUP>
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
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