- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we have proposed the modeling of cloth that realizes force together with shape to manipulate the virtual cloth. Researchers, in the community of computer graphics, have simulated only the realistic shape of cloth. However, it is also important to display the force generated from cloth for the environment where user manipulates the cloth with visual and haptic feedback. Inclusion of force with shape requires to simulate shape and force, based on the relation between them. The real relationship between shape and force can be measured by special device called "Kawabata Evaluation System (KES)". However, a cloth has hysteretic property, and relation between shape and force depends on the history of manipulation. KES data only describes incomplete unilateral relations between force and shape under specific histories of manipulation. Although there exists some previous work that simulates the shape of the cloth based on KES data, it is insufficient to simulate both shape and force considering their hysteretic relation. This paper discusses how to model a virtual cloth to simulate shape and force with realities by interpolating empirical data obtained from KES, considering their limitation due to the hysteresis.
- システム制御情報学会の論文
- 2003-04-15
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