- 論文の詳細を見る
The classical facility location problem is “Given a finite set of locations of potential facilities which produce a single product, and a set of customers with known demands, find which location should be built so as to minimize the total cost.” The total cost consists of transportation cost between facilities and customers, and fixed cost.<BR>In this paper, the problem is extended to allow the selection of different facility scale at each location, and to consider operation cost associated with facilities. In addition to constraints for classical facility location problem, a transportation constraint is imposed, in which each customer must be assigned exclusively to a single facility.<BR>This problem is first formulated as a pure 0-1 integer nonlinear programming. A solution technique based on the branch and bound method is developed. A procedure for finding good lower bounds is presented, and the lower bound is obtained by solving a relaxation problem using column generation technique. Computational results are also reported.
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