- 論文の詳細を見る
Two studies were conducted to examine the effect of affects on self-control behavior in delayed cost dilemma. Results of Study 1 suggested that long term negative affects such as regret and self-disgust might have facilitating effects on motivation of self-control if they were anticipated before delayed-cost dilemma situations, but inhibiting effects on self-efficacy of control when experienced after dilemma situations. Study 2 examined the effect of affect priming on self-control in eating behavior, as well as an interaction effect of anticipated affect and regulatory resource on it. Results indicated that participants who had enough regulatory resource succeeded in self-control, i. e. they ate less, regardless of the type of affect priming, but those who did not have sufficient resource and were not primed with long-term negative affects failed to control their behavior. It was argued that, regulatory resource explanation of self-control should be expanded to the theory including anticipated affects.
- 目標フレーミングが感情情報の自動的な処理に与える影響
- 恐怖管理理論に基づく性役割ステレオタイプ活性の促進要因の検討
- 怒りと恐怖がもたらす説得効果
- 罰がステレオタイプ活性に対してもつ抑制効果の検討
- 気分一致効果規定因としての気分原因帰属および認知資源量
- G5-3 内集団と外集団に対する経済的満足度の推定(一般セッション(G5) : 人間科学)(第30回日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)
- 内集団と外集団に対する経済的満足度の推定(人間科学)
- 再認ヒューリスティックの使用における表記の効果
- 遅延コストジレンマ事態での自己統制規定因の検討--感情予期と制御資源の役割
- 感情の生起における認知的評価次元の検討--実証的統合を通して