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Since 1945, the death rate in Korea has kept on declining steadily owing to improvement in medical services and public health, while the annual birth rate registered an unprecedented 3% in 1960, a result of the post-Korean War baby boom (1955-60), so the Korean government introduced a national family planning program in 1961 as a part of its Five-Year Economic Development Plan from 1962. This measure had to be taken as the government was aware that without a proper population control policy, it would not achieve rapid economic development within a short period. Due to the nationwide implementation of population control and economic development policies, Korea succeeded in realizing an 8% annual economic growth rate and a drastic decline in fertility. In fact, it took Korea only 20 to 30 years to complete its demographic transition, while in developed countries it took more than 100 years to complete it. During the 30-year period starting in 1960, the Korean total fertility rate (TFR) dropped from 6.0 to 1.6, the crude birth rate (CBR) from 41.7 to 15.6, and as a result, the population increase rate decreased during the period from 3% to within 1% level (KIHASA, 1991a). Providing the present low fertility rate continues in effect, Korea's population is expected to stop growing in the year 2021. This low fertility level is, however, likely to generate a number of problems, including a rapid increase in the elderly population and a shortage of the labor required to restructure and expand industries. It is, therefore, time for Korea to launch a comprehensive scheme to overhaul its existing population policies to meet the need of a society with a low fertility rate (KIHASA, 19911b). This analysis is designed to find demographic and causal factors that contributed to the fall in fertility over the last 30 years and thus to provide a direction in which the nation's future family planning and population control policies should be implemented. Fertility in Korea was consistently high during 1925 to 1944 period with a crude birth rate of about 45 per thousand population. This rate began to decline between 1945 and the Korean War (1950-53). The high birthrate which began in the mid-1950s lasted until 1960, and followed by a rapid decline thereafter. As shown in the figure 1, another rapid decline in the CBR was made in the 1980s. Therefore, the present study was carried out in the form of a comparative study of the 1960-70 and 1980-90 period.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
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- 海外における思春期保健の現状
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- 5. その他 : 21世紀における世界と日本の人口の問題
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- スウェ-デンにおける出生率回復の分析(1980-1990)
- わが国の1900年以前の婚姻,離婚,身分別出生について
- 10代妊娠の地域格差および経年的推移に関する一考察
- Estimate of Maternal Mortality in China.
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