- 論文の詳細を見る
To elucidate the effects on skin lesions from agricultural pesticides, the author studied the mechanisms of moisture transmission, penetration speed, residual and vaporizing portions of the pesticides through different types and combinations of female farm working clothes. Also dermal patch tests of the pesticides were carried out through the specimens of the clothes with cooperation of male subjects . The following results were obtained. 1) In case of single layers of clothes, moisture transmission, penetration speeds are much bigger through knits than woven fablics irrespective of the chemicals . Penetration rates of film type clothes are almost 1/10 of fablic clothes, and the chemicals remain on it. 2) When a cloth of a woven fablic is placed over a woven fablic, the indices of transmission, penetration, residual and vaporizing portions are much bigger than the combination of woven fablic over a knit . And the values differ according to the type of solvents of the chemicals, too. 3) Higher positive reaction of dermal patch test is seen in wettable powder of organochloride pesticide, Daconil. Reactions through knit clothes are shown highest positivity both to the wettable powder of Daconil and also to emulsif iable concentrate of DDVP. 4) These results clearly indicate the importance of selection and combination of clothes to treat the pesticides, and also the needs to use protective clothes for spraying the chemicals.
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