- 論文の詳細を見る
The object of this study aimes to find out the conditions of comfortable clothing of farm work under the climate which shows marked change by seasons, and to set up the wearing standards to keep healthful living in Akita area. The survey was carried out on 105 farm women at 11 districts in rural area of Akita prefecture. Each subject was examined by questionnaire about her wearing clothes on a work day and on an off-day of June 1982, and was compared between both the days. The following results were obtained. 1. The subjects wore their clothes by their feelings against the indoor temperature . Thus, most of the people did not complain of discomfort in house . However, the complaints of discomfort increased at outdoor owing to the difference of adaptability to the outdoor temperature. So the adjustment of the wearing form of the clothes was needed using comple mentary clothes. 2. Most frequent number of pieces of working clothes wearing among the subjects was 10, and that of the daily clothes was 7 . Average number of complementary clothes was different by the districts. 3. The difference of the total weights between the working clothes and the daily clothes was highly significant below the level of 1% of the risk . Most of the difference was based on those of the complementary clothes and the footwears . 4. The relationship between the weight of the garments and the warmth correlated negatively for both the daily and the working clothes at the indoor and the outdoor temper atures. Also the weight and the numbers of the garments correlated highly positive for both the daily clothes and the working clothes . 5. As for the distribution of the weight and the numbers of the garments at the parts of body, marked difference was not seen by the by the parts of trunk, However, the weight of the footwear differed significantly on foot back between the working and the daily garments. 6. From the above mentioned results, the standard garment to keep comfortable out door work for this climate of June in Akita area at about 20.8°C of outdoor temperature will be a combination of 10 kinds of clothes including upper, lower and one-piece garments and complementary clothes. The total weight of the above mentioned garments amounts to about 1914 g in average.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
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