- 論文の詳細を見る
On the properties of wetness and steam of disposable diapers for infant use, I had already concluded that the fundamental problems with diapers orginated from temperature and humidity. So I tried to measure the correlations between hourly changes of temperature,wetness, mass and thickness of the diapers and discomfort, by using artifical urine on an adult's hand. Temperature inside the disposable diapers increased with time. In the case of small volume of urinous influx, the temperature inside the disposal diapers increased with time. However, it sometimes fell when the volume was increased to large amount. The relative humidity inside the diapers reached at almost 90% one hour after the influx of urine, irrespective of the volume, except the permeable diapers. Significant negative correlations were observed between the feeling of wetness and the temperature inside the diapers, and also between the temprature of influx and the passage of time. However, when the largest volume of urine was used, the correlation between the feeling of wetness and the temperature was significantly positive. Evaluation of touch and comfort of the disposable diapers became worse with the increase of the volume of the urine. The feeling of the disposable diapers were almost 'wet slightly' or 'wet.' This shows that many of the users feel wetness irrespective of the volume of urine.
- 1994-12-15
- 20.医療用縫合糸の研究 : 家兎胃, 小腸, 胆汁液浸漬の物理的性状に及ぼす影響について
- 小児用紙おむつ内の尿量・湿度と不快感の関係
- 私はこう考える
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