Pneumogram in Bronchial Asthma
- 論文の詳細を見る
Respiratory movements in bronchial asthma were studied by attaching two pneumographs on the chest and the abdomen of the patients in supine, sitting and most confortable positions.<BR>Following results were obtained.<BR>1. Respiratory types on seizure were almost coincident with those out of seizure in every position.<BR>2. The amplitude of pneumogram on seizure was, in general, greater tha-. 1 that out of seizure.<BR>3. The ratio of inspiratory time to expiratory time showed no significant difference between on seizure and out of seizure. So dyspnoea on seizure exists both on inspiration and expiration.<BR>4. The chest and the abdomen did not move paralel on seizure. Abdominal movements always preceded chest movements. The authors guess that some air went and back between upper and lower parts of the lung.<BR>5. Pnuemogram showed that dysp2oea became less when the patints changed their position from supine to sitting. 6.<BR>Bronchial asthma can be classified from the pneumogram. (1) heavy attack-the relation between chest and abdominal movements is destroyed. (2) middle attack contrary movements between chest and abdomen exist. (3) light attack-phasic unequality is seen in both movements.<BR>7. A slight abnormality of pneumogram was seen, on some occasions, even out of seizure of bronchial asthma.
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