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32 five-year-old children, constituting 3 groups, AM (models were their own mothers perceived as accepting by them), RM (mother-models, rejecting) and UF (an unknown female model), were presented models through VTR acting with somewhat aggressive and novel behavior. Occurences of imitative behavior were observed in the same situation as the models acted for VTR. Results were as follows; AM were more imitative in behavior than RM, and RM showed a little more imitative in behavior than UF; there were not any significant differences of imitative tendencies as between boys and girls. Supplemental data indicated that AM and RM showed more concentrated attitude than UF when witnessing the VTR and AM remembered a greater amount of the behavioral units presented by models than did RM and UF.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
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