フロリジル法によるPlasma angiotensin IIのradioimmunoassayの開発と検討
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Several methods for determination of angiotensin II (AII) in human plasma had been reported. Most popularized method was extraction method using Dowex (H<SUP>+</SUP>) resin. Direct method and extraction method using acetone-petroleum ether were also used. However these methods have several defects, such as intricate procedure, low sensitivity or low rate of extraction. Therefore we developed a new method for AII in human plasma which was used florisil adsorption and elution with acetone-hydrochrolic acid solution.<BR>In our method compared with the method using acetone-petroleum ether or the direct method, the extraction rate was 84% and minimum detectable value was 0.75pg/tube (B/Bo 95% intercept value).<BR>Reproducibility of intra-assay and inter-assay were 11.7% and 12.9%, respectively. This our method was more sensitive, specific and simple, and was useful for routin clinical investigation.<BR>We studied the untreated 21 patients with essential hypertension (containing 11 males and 10 females, their averaged age was 41.5 years old, and blood pressure on admission was 175.8/112.5mmHg).<BR>We measured plasma renin activity (PRA) and AII (florisil-method) in venous blood before and after intravenous injection of 20mg furosemide and oral administration of 25mg captopril. After the furosemide administration, All in venous blood significantly increased to 35.0 8.0pg/ml (Mean±SE) from 14.6±2.6pg/ml (p<0.001), and PRA also increased to 2.40 0.89ng/ml/hr from 0.92±0.21ng/ml/hr. Although after captopril administration PRA significantly increased to 2.56±1.02ng/ml/hr from 1.05±0.32ng/ml/hr (p<0.01), All decreased to 8.2±2.2pg/ml from 15.2±3.1pg/ml (p<0.001). Moreover, All levels in arterial and venous blood were 27.8±7.8pg/ml and 28.8±6.7pg/ml, respectively.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
後藤 英司
横浜市立大学 医学部 内科学 第二講座
塩之 入洋
後藤 英司
森本 妙子
青山 正明
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