- 論文の詳細を見る
Meningiomas are one of the most frequently encountered brain tumors. They usually grow slowly with long asymptomatic phase and may remain silent until death. There are several issues about the treatment of meningioma. One is the treatment of asymptomaticm eningiomas. C linicalr eports revealed that only minorityo f them became symptomatic. As the operative morbidity of patients with asymptomatic meningiomas is not low, it is advisable to follow up the patients before treatment. The second is the treatment of aggressive meningiomas. Under the new WHO classification, t umors that are classified to atypical meningiomas have changed and increased. We have to reconsider the strategy to these tumors because the results of old clinical studies may not be applicable to them. However, we do not have effective methods to treat aggressive meningiomas other than surgery and radiation therapy, yet.
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