破裂脳動脈瘤に対する手術予後予測に関する研究-ABC-indexの作成:第1報: 従来の重症度分類の問題点と手術予後に関係する因子の抽出
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In the present era, neck ligation or clipping of the intracranial aneurysm in the late stage has been successfully performed. On the other hand, however, as far as the case in the early stage is concerned, the surgical results were so grave that even an agressive neurosurgeon has hesitated to do perform the direct attack in such cases. In order to get an excellent result, the things which the surgeons are really eager to know is which factors have to be analysed before considering the surgical maneuvers.<BR>In this publication, 1. The classifications of the preoperative severity so far published have been critically analysed; 2. Causes of the death due to the ruptured intracranial aneurysm have been investigated in the autopsy materials in the literatures; 3. By means of the clinical experiences in addition to the above mentioned autopsy findings, the intracranial pathophysiological changes have been schematically depicted in Fig. 1 and 4. Lastly, the possible factors related to the surgical risk were picked up as many as possible. Also the trial of establishing an ABC-Index (Index for Aneurysmal Basic Conditions) has been mentioned which would be possible to be treated by a computer.
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