Unilateral interhemispheric approach による前交通動脈瘤の手術
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The authors have devised a new attractive microsurgical approach for the surgery of anterior communicating aneurysms. It is by frontal median route and is named'unilateral interhemispheric approach'. The advantages of this approach are:<BR>1) Less damage to the frontal lobe and the other intracranial normal structures such as the superior sagittal sinus.<BR>2) Full identification of the aneurysm and the adjacent normal parent arteries.<BR>3) Removal of interhemispheric hematoma which is occasionally found in acute stage but is inaccessible by subfrontal approach, thus preventing the possibility of cerebral vasospasm.<BR>4) Preservation of the olfactory sense.<BR>The disadvantage is, on the other hand, occasional sacrifice of a superior cerebral vein but without evident deficiency by this procedure.<BR>This approach consists of frontal coronal scalp incision, right frontal craniotomy, separation of the right frontal lobe from the left frontal lobe in the interhemispheric fissure and access to aneurysms.<BR>47 patients operated on by this ap% in grade III, 50% in grade IV patients but there was no death in grade I and II patients.<BR>Postoperative mental changes were found in 19.5% of the patients and the right olfactory sense was preserved in 75.6% but the left olfactory sense was preserved in all of the 41 patients examined.
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
堀田 晴比古
佐藤 修
佐藤 修
札幌医科大学 脳神経外科
中垣 陽一
杉山 弘行
都立荏原病院 脳神経外科・高気圧酸素治療室
相馬 勤
中垣 陽一
札幌医科大学 脳神経外科
安藤 英征
稲葉 憲一
相馬 勤
札幌医科大学 脳神経外科
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