冠動脈形成術とIntravascular Ultrasollnd(IVUS)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Coronary angiography has been used as fundamental diagnostic means of coronary disease since it enables us to recognize the configuration of coronary artery and stenotic portion. However, the coronary angiography is not suited to examine the disease type and evaluate quantitatively results of angioplasty by PTCA and so on. Although intravascular scope is useful for examining directly the plaque on the lumen, it can not provide the information on intrastructure and tissue characterization of vessel wall. On the other hand, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has been recently developed and can examine not only structural deformation but also tissue characteristic change of the vessel wall by using ultrasonic transducer attached on the head of catheter. From now on, IVUS is expected to be more important technique for the assessment of theraputic results by angioplasty and arterectomy.
- Japan Society of Medical Physicsの論文
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- 冠動脈形成術とIntravascular Ultrasollnd(IVUS)