- 論文の詳細を見る
This study clarified the transformation of intra-urban structure by the building use changes. Fig. 2 showed the study area, which is constituted 3090 districts. The data for analysis was the gross floor area ratio (gross floor area of each building use [m<SUP>2</SUP>]/district area [m<SUP>2</SUP>]), and the data source was the basic survey data for city planning of Sapporo City in 1980, 1986, and 1991. This study creates the three-dimensional matrix (3090 districts×15 building uses×3 years), and applied the quasi three-mode factor analysis (Fig. 3). The element of matrix was standardized as a formula (1), however <I>i</I> was a unit district (<I>i</I>=1, 2,...,1), <I>j</I> was a building use (<I>j</I>=1, 2,...,m), <I>k</I> was a year (<I>k</I>=1,...,n), <I>x<SUB>ijk</SUB></I> was a gross floor ratio in year <I>k</I>, district <I>i</I> and building use <I>j</I>, <I>z<SUB>ijk</SUB></I> was a standardized ratio in year <I>k</I>, district <I>i</I> and building use <I>j</I>, l was a total number of districts (l=3, 090), m was a total number of building use items (m=15), n was a total number of years (n=3). The main results were as follows.<BR>At the first analysis, this study calculated the common building use factors in three years (Table 1 and Fig. 7) and the building use factors in each year (Table 2 and Fig. 8). It is considered that the building use factors in each year are the common zone factors in three years. Then, the core matrix was calculated as the correlation matrix between the common building use factors and the common zone factors in three years (Table 3). Consequently, it was clarified that the store combined with residence, and the restaurant combined with residence, the store combined with residence and the restaurant combined with residence were expanding the range from the urban core to the surrounding area along the main transportation networks, and that the residence and the apartment were dispersing to the suburb area. So, it became clear that regional differentiation of urban functions was progressing in Sapporo City (Figs. 9, 10).<BR>At the second analysis, this study investigated the building use changes around the JR stations and the subway stations, that had considerable influence upon the transformation of intra-urban structure in Sapporo City. The districts for this analysis were included in the buffer of the radius <I>r</I> (<I>r</I>=100m, 200, 300m, 400, 500m) centering on a station (Figs. 11, 12). This study calculated the common building use (Figs. 13, 14) and the zone factors (Figs. 15, 16) in three years of the buffer area. Then, it was calculated the core matrix of the buffer area. Consequently, it was clarified that the building uses without the residence increased around the subway stations, and that the building uses were rapidly accumulated near the subway station (Figs. 17-21).<BR>In this study, the two mentioned results were united and considered. When the mechanism for the transformation of intra-urban structure as the results is discussed, it can explain by uniting the urban land use theory and the central place theory that the D. I. D. and the functional accumulation area were expanded from the urban core to the surrounding area, and that the sub-centers formed along the subway lines and main roads. On the simplified conditions, it is thought that it can interpret by uniting both theories for the argument about a dynamic mechanism(Fig. 22).
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