- 論文の詳細を見る
Statistic observation of 120 hospitalized diabetic patients in our clinic from 1946 to 1955 is as follows.<BR>1) Proportion of diabetic patients to all in-patients was 1.1-1.6% in 1946-1949, but since 1951 it gradually increased to 5.0-6.7%, with the social condition had improved, this ratio is almost same as that of prewar days.<BR>2) Ratio of male to female was 1.7: 1.<BR>3) Observation of occupation is as follows; officer in 29.2%; no occupation, 25.0%; marchant, 15.8%; director, 7.5%; farmer, 6.6%; labourer, 5.8%.<BR>4) Diabetic heredity was found in 18.2%.<BR>5) For anamnesis ; tuberculous diseases was found in 17.5%; venereal diseases in 11.7%; diabetes mellitus in 9.1%; appendicitis in 6.7%.<BR>6) In the subjective symptome of diabetes mellitus the highest incidence was shown by the following findings:(1) thirst in 61.7%;(2) polyuria in 43.3%;(3) fatigue in 37.5%;(4) emaciation in 29.2%;(5) polyphagia in 25.0%;(6) neuralgia in 16.7%;(7) visual disturbance in 15.8%;(8) itching in 13.3%;(9) impotence in 11.7%;(10) Vulvitis in 1.7%.<BR>7) As a complication of diabetes mellitus, hypertension was most frequently observed, in 21.7%; arterial sclerosis in 16.6%; pulmonary tuberculosis in 13.3%; diseases of kidney in 12.5%; diseases of liver in 8.3%; diseases of tooth in 7.5%; obesty in 6.6%, hypotension in 5.8%.<BR>8) Blood sugar level in fasting time was 150-199mg/dl in 30.8%; 100-149mg/dl in 23.9%; 200-49mg/dl in 21.4%; 250-299mg/dl and more than 300mg/dl in 11.9%.<BR>9) Thorn's test showed abnormalty in 54%; and urinary excretion of 17-KS per 24 hour was subnormal in 55.5%.<BR>10) Disturbance of liver functions was found in 21.7%; Wasserman's reaction was positive in 5.1%.<BR>11) We found cataracta senilis in 17.4% of diabetic patients, retinitis diabetica in 15.2%; haemorrhage and arterial sclerosis at eye ground in 6.2%; cataracta diabetica in 4.3%
益本 昭
京都府立医大 中央検査部
横尾 定美
横尾 定美
益本 昭
小川 一夫
加納 睦己
川勝 良昭
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