- 論文の詳細を見る
The Arimafuji Park Management/Planning Council was the first council to be established in prefectural urban parks in Hyogo. This council had held 28 conferences from 2000-2010. We broke contents of these discussions down into patterns and grasped them. Additionally, we sorted out 6 disputed issues that we discussed at conferences and we conducted hearings with prefectural officials in charge. Based on this survey, we highlighted issues and prospects of the park management. We suggested followings were important: 1. to define the role of the council and clarify a measure for realization of citizens’ proposal on the council, 2. to establish an information sharing system among the administration and private sectors, 3. the administration would adjust the widespread utilization of parks among departments, and 4. to define a concrete division of roles for planning and maintenance among the administration and citizens.
藤本 真里
中瀬 勲
兵庫県立大学 緑環境景観マネジメント研究科
中瀬 勲
兵庫県立大学大学院 緑環境景観マネジメント研究科
藤本 真里
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