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The clinical picture of localized encephalitis is characterized by the sudden onset of severe gait ataxia with complete recovery within a few months.<BR>This condition is not rare, there have been many cases reported in the past, though neurotological observations have not been made enough in the recent papers.<BR>Two cases of localized encephalitis were viewed from neurotological aspects.<BR>Case 1. A boy aged 10 developed ataxia, double vision, dysarthria and vomiting. A slight degree of adiadochokinesis and intention tremors were found in the upper extremities.<BR>Neurotological findings indicated the upper brain-stem and cerebellar dysfunction.<BR>Case 2. A boy of 14 had slight vertigo and tinnitus for ten months. In early November, 1976, headache was followed by drowsiness. It decreased for one week, then ptosis, abducens palsy and hemiparesis developed.<BR>Neurotological findings revealed an expansive process in the region of brain-stem.<BR>CT scanning performed on two cases did not show any abnormalities.<BR>Neurotological examination may elicit valuable additional information also when such a expansive process is suspected elsewhere than in brain-stem.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
岡本 途也
風間 玲子
許 瑞光
時田 信仁
青木 記美恵
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