- 論文の詳細を見る
Statistical observations were made of outpatients with vertigo and dizziness seen in the Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Osaka City University from 1972 to June 1977. The results are reported herein:1) Those with vertigo and dizziness included 4-6% of the total number of outpatients. However, the number of Equilibrium function tests carried out in our patients was extremely large, as many more outpatients were seen in our clinic as compared with the number in other universities.2) There was almost no difference in the number of males and females with vertigo and dizziness. Occurrences were in the descending order of 40>30>50>20.3) About 70% of the patients were introduced by other physicians. They were mainly otorhinolaryngologists outside the hospital or physicians in the Depts. of Orthopedics, Internal Medicine and Neurosurgery in our hospital.4) When we investigated statistics of diseases, we found that Meniere's disease acounted for about 10% and an extremely large number of patients with “cerebral vascular insufficiency” (our term) and patients with trauma at the head and neck were encountered.5) Fifty percent of all patients revealed abnormalities in blood pressure, and 60% belonged to III and IV field as to CMI.
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