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Carcinoma of the sphenoid sinus is uncommon and metastatic carcinoma in this region is also rare.This paper summarizes our experience of a 37-year-old woman, whose first symptom was unilateral sudden hearing loss. She subsequently complained of orbital disturbance. With the X-Ray examination of the nose and sinuses, sphenoid tumor was suspected and biopsy of this sinus was performed. The histologic diagnosis suggested metastatic Adenocarcinoma. Her history revealed that 5 years previously she had been diagnosed as having breast cancer and treated by masectomy and postoperative radiation therapy. Whole body bone scinti-scanning was performed and revealed multiple bone metastasis. Radiation therapy was administered to the sphenoid sinus and the bone metastasis was treated with anti-estrogen. The orbital symptoms were immediately alleviated, although hearing loss was not recovered.In the past one and half years, she has had no local symptoms or signs of recurrence.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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